May 31, 2015

Letterpress Blocks Collection by (in)courage with my story

*I was compensated for this post by choosing my own word to display. My opinions are my own.

Day Spring Letter Press Blocks

 #wordsmatter and#LoveHallmark

When I met my husband almost 20 years ago, I never imagined where we would be in 20 years. We were taking it a day at a time. As days became months, I finally understood what falling in love meant. There is no love at first sight. Its desire and want. Love takes time to grow and bloom.
When I found out I was pregnant with our first child, we were excited. But that excitement only lasted about 12 weeks when I miscarried over the course of 3 days. Those were the longest saddest days of my life, at the time. My husband was so supportive and loving even though he was hurting as well, he put me first.
We have had our rough patches almost to the point of the "D" word. We have worked hard to get through them and go on to a better place in our marriage.
He has been a great dad to my son from a previous relationship. Being the father to him his own wouldn't be.
Hes a superb father to our 6 children together. Even during the hard times when they are yelling and saying they hate him. He provides for them and me. We have all our needs met and some of our wants. He works hard to keep in shape by karate, 3rd Degree Black Belt, and working out.
We have never had anything like a sign or a logo to mark our family until I was given the chance to review Letterpress Blocks.
I am proud to have my husbands last name and now, I can show it off!

Here's a 20% off coupon towards a Letterpress Blocks Purchase! 
Use Love20 and expires on 12/31/2015

*This post includes my affiliate links.

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