Growing numbers of physically healthy male porn users, adolescents and adult men in their sexual prime, are struggling with various forms of sexual dysfunction especially if or when they attempt to be sexual with a real-world partner. Numerous studies back this up, including a large-scale (more than 2,000 participants) study published in 2020. This study found:
- 90% of men fast-forward to watch the most arousing pornographic scenes—i.e., the scenes most likely to be neurochemically rewarded with an intense dopamine and adrenaline rush.
- Heavy porn users take significantly longer than other men to reach orgasm with a real-world partner.
- 23% of the men under age 35 (i.e., in their sexual prime) reported some level of ED when having sex with a real-world partner.
- The amount of porn a man watches is linked to ED. More porn equals more ED.
- Heavy porn use is also linked to dissatisfaction with real-world sex.
- 20% of male porn users find that over time they need to watch more extreme porn to achieve their desired level of arousal.
Based on this and other studies, it appears that for many porn-using males, sexual dysfunction is neither physical in nature nor related to the frequency of masturbation and orgasm (i.e., the need for a sexual refractory period in which males reload, so to speak). Instead, problems with ED, DE, and anorgasmia are increasingly related to the fact that when a male spends 80, 90, or even 100% of his sexual energy viewing and masturbating to pornography—endless images of sexy, exciting, constantly changing partners and experiences—he is, over time, likely to find a lone real-world partner less stimulating than the endless variety and intensity he experiences online.
Stated another way, the infinite variety and ever-increasing intensity offered by online pornography creates, especially in heavy porn users, a dopamine/adrenaline baseline that a single real-world partner, no matter how attractive, simply cannot match. Even worse from a relationship standpoint, the constant fantasy/satisfaction cycle that occurs with heavy porn use leads to an emotional and psychological disconnection with even the most loving and valued of partners. In combination, these neurochemical and psychological issues seem to manifest physically in many males as sexual dysfunction with their in-the-flesh partners.
The most common signs of porn-induced male sexual dysfunction include:
- A man is able to achieve erections and orgasms with pornography, but he struggles with one or both when he’s with a real-world partner.
- A man is able to have sex and achieve orgasm with real-world partners, but reaching orgasm takes a long time and his partners complain that he seems disengaged.
- A man is able to maintain an erection with real-world partners, but he can only achieve orgasm by replaying porn clips in his mind.
- A man increasingly prefers pornography to real-world sex, finding it more intense and more engaging.
Thanks to heavy porn use, growing numbers of men are suffering from sexual dysfunction, be it ED, DE, or anorgasmia. Even worse, male sexual dysfunction affects not just men but their romantic partners. After all, if a guy can’t get it up, keep it up, and reach orgasm, then his partner’s sexual pleasure is also likely to be diminished.
This brings us to these points:
(From )
And now this brings us to the next part of this. The partner of the man who falls under any of these situations. Like any other addiction, this type not only effects the original person but the partner. It is a possibility that a woman can have a porn addiction.
The emotional and mental toll that this can take on a woman, or a man partner if that's the case, is immense. Not only can it affect them physically, but it can also make a huge impact on them mentally. One of the biggest questions they have is why am I not good enough? Why doesn't he find me attractive? Does he even love me? When these questions start the next ones follow. Is he going to cheat on me if another person gives them that chemical hit if they come on to him and he falls for it? Ladies, or men, this is not on you.
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