June 14, 2016

Poetry by D

My Heart Beats On

Shattered and broken.
No longer palpating with love
and silently longing for comfort,
My heart beats on.

Laying next to you
Your touch but a memory
Listening to your breathing as you sleep
My heart beats on.

Longing for your touch.
Wanting to feel your comfort.
Wondering where it all went wrong.
My heart beats on.

I see your face.
I hear your voice.
I long for an embrace that will not come.
But, my heart beats on.

I feel broken and beaten.
Taken down by your silence.
Broken by your ignorement,
My heart beats on.

For now it beats for you.
The hope of what is lost to come home.
For now it is a comforting thought,
That my heart still beats on.

But one day
It will not beat for you.
But for myself and I
My heart will beat on.

Debra Lord Daigle

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