October 1, 2014

Overrated by Eugene Cho

Mr Cho is the founder and visionary of One Days Wages. One Days Wages is a grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty. He has been a featured speaker at events such as TEDx, The Justice Conference, and Catalyst. He is also the founder and Senior Pastor of Quest Church, an urban, multi-cultural and multi-generational church in Seattle, WA, where he lives with his family.

I really enjoyed reading Mr Cho's book. My most favorite part is when he states "Fascinate, Not force, people towards the Gospel." I think these words are very true. You can not force people to religion.

Our lives do matter. You cant just tell what your against. Show by living it! Demonstrate what your about! Fascinate and Compel others by your own actions, words and acts. That is what I have gotten out of reading his words.
I have passed on this book to a close friend of mine and she is almost done with it. She called me awhile ago and thanked me for giving it to her because she now "Got it."


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