July 28, 2013

el's Cheddar Medleys review

I was recently sent a bag of el's cheddar Medleys to try. OMGoh! Yummy! It even passed my 5 year old twins personal review! Considering how picky they are, thats a full compliment! The snacks are gluten free and there is a variety to choose from. Here is a bit about the company and the products.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and sometimes oats, and it can interfere with your ability to absorb necessary nutrients from food. People with Celiac really need to avoid gluten, but a lot of other people are choosing to avoid gluten as well.


Celiac's cause is unknown and may show up at any age. It  is an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine that occurs ingenetically predisposed people of all ages from middle infancy onward. Symptoms include pain and discomfort in the digestive tract, chronic constipation and diarrhoeafailure to thrive (in children), and fatigue, but these may be absent, and symptoms in other organ systems have been described. Vitamin deficiencies are often noted in people with coeliac disease owing to the reduced ability of the small intestine to properly absorb nutrients from food. It can result in osteoporosis, thyroid disease, infertility and cancer. It's important to know that Celiac is a disease, not a food allergy, and ought to be treated as such.

Others, who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating and gas, often find relief when avoiding gluten. Even people who are depressed or moody may feel significant relief when eliminating gluten from their diet.

You can buy off el's kitchen homepage,

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