March 7, 2013

Spring and Easter ideas

Easy Candy & Cone Easter Treat 

I am not a fan of the Easter Bunny! Not in one little bit! I have never told my kids of a bunny that brings candy! They hear that everywhere else. I am a full blown DO NOT LOOSE THE REASON FOR ANY SEASON parent. I think celebrating season changes in any religion is wonderful.  That being said I did think these were adorable. And Im making them for the kids on easter morning along with their chocolate crosses. 

With the amount of cans our family uses, they fill up the recycling bin and the trash can quickly. And in Brewer, you have to pay as you throw in those stupid orange bags. We try to conserve as much space in those as we can. I came across this pic on Pintrest the other day and decided that I will be getting crafty with those cans from now on!

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